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Sunday, December 22, 2013, 3:17 AM
Till this day, this time, numbness have sunk in so deep in. Into my flesh and soul. 

Glimpse of hope, they say.
Thursday, January 17, 2013, 12:13 PM
After what seems like ages, or to exactly sure, 4 years - going 5; I finally find somethingsomeone to look forward to. Someone, I actually want, and really hope things will work out with. 

All this while, I never had much care for dating and relationships. Yes, there were times when I have thought, it would be lovely to have someone for the companionship, affection, etc. etc., all the flowery package that comes with the deal. However, it always stopped there, simply because I never wanted to put the effort in all over again just to get hurt again. And I always thought, I am better off being alone. (It's too much of effort to be sociable, nice, and whatnot.)

Well, now there's a turning point in my little mundane life. There isn't much to say. But, with all my little heart, I do hope I deserve this. Though, maybe in actual reality, I don't deserve such a person like that. I have tried v hard to put that notion away. Who am I kidding, right? It isn't me if I simply don't over think. 

P.s I can actually feel shy. This is ridiculous. :/

Oh wells, so may everything happen for the best. *fingers crossed*

2012 in a blink
Monday, December 31, 2012, 2:38 PM
2012. To sum up. Nothing special.

When 2011 ended, I prayed that 2012 will take a turn and be a good one. However, 2012 decided to sit on the fence.

The year wasn't a horrendous one; but honestly, it could have been better. And like each year, I hope with all my heart that 2013 will do some justice. 

There weren't exactly any moments that made an impact this year. Of course, with the exception of my grandma's passing in 2011, that left my family shaken till today. 

I don't think there is anything else worthy mentioning before the year ends and we all welcome 2013.

2013. Life is taking a turn.
1. I WILL BE GRADUATING - this actually means from tomorrow onwards, I really have to get my slacking ass to do all my assignments.
2. I WILL OFFICIALLY BE A WORKING ADULT FROM MAY 2013 ONWARDS - I signed my contract with NUH during mid September (Well, this is something worthy to mention, I just remembered)

To me, this is a very big step in life and a life changing moment. I am not really ready in any way to be a graduate and let alone a working adult. But life goes on and we all need to start somewhere. This is my starting point.

And lastly, with all of my broken heart, I hope to let every inch of my past go when the clock strikes 12. Till date, I haven't figured out what emotions and thoughts I harbour. There are days, I'm still in love with someone I shouldn't be. Why and how, I don't know it for myself. But that's that. I want to and will let go. 

With that, I pray that 2013 will bring happiness, good health, success and everything we desire to every single one of us. 

Happy New Year! (: